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Summit Careers Inc. is dedicated to serving our clients in any way possible. We pride ourselves on the ability to partner with our clients to help solve their complex problems. Our offering extends much further than “temp staffing” or “head hunting”. While the list below is extensive, don’t hesitate to ask us for more. We are always open to new opportunities to serve!

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Why Choose Summit Careers Inc.

At Summit, we pride ourselves on transcending conventional hiring practices, dedicated to securing nothing but the finest talent for your business. Our commitment to excellence is exemplified through a meticulous and comprehensive approach that extends far beyond the ordinary.

Our upgraded process begins with an unwavering emphasis on the quality of talent we bring to your doorstep. Enhancing the recruitment process involves a thorough interviewing strategy, utilizing artificial intelligence and automation. This dedication to effectiveness guarantees swift identification and acquisition of top-tier talent, delivering clients a smooth and efficient hiring experience.


Partnering with Summit Staffing Agency can save you valuable time and resources in the recruitment process, as they handle all aspects from sourcing candidates to screening, interviewing, and onboarding.


The agency's recruiters have expertise in hiring practices across various industries and job functions, ensuring that they can match the right candidate with the right job role.


As business demands fluctuate throughout the year or for short-term projects, working with a staffing agency provides flexibility in meeting staffing needs without committing to permanent hires.

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We will leverage our decades of experience to build a process that fits your unique needs. We understand hiring can sometimes be tricky. Whether you're planning for a large spike in business or finding the needle in the haystack, rest assured our team of professionals will be here for you, whatever you need. We work for you 24 hours a day!


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At Summit we understand you are a unique individual and what is best for you is not what is best for everyone else. We will take the time to get to know you and find the right employer who will appreciate both your skills and who you are as a person.

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23 Sep, 2024
When you’re searching for quality candidates, you want to find people who are actively looking for the types of jobs you are hiring for. One of the best and quickest ways to look for these candidates is to offer real-time job alerts. These job alerts can be real game-changers in education hiring for both employers and job seekers. Benefits of Real-Time Job Alerts Immediate Notification Real-time job alerts notify people when the types of jobs they are looking for become available. This eliminates the need to search for jobs, as the alert will let job seekers know about jobs as they are posted. It also gives those who sign up for these alerts the opportunity to apply before others search for these jobs. By knowing about these jobs first, you can have a better chance of getting that first interview. Interested & Qualified Candidates If someone has taken the time to sign up for a real-time job alert, they must have a strong interest in the position you are hiring for. This can help to streamline the hiring process as you will receive applications from people who truly want the job you’re offering, not someone who is just looking for a paycheck. You can also assume that those who have registered for real-time alerts have the qualifications needed for the job. These should be people who are focused on their career goals and have something to offer your school system. Attracts Serious Job Seekers Many times people will sign up for job alerts because they are seriously looking for a job. They don’t want to waste time searching job sites for jobs that won’t utilize their skills or meet their expectations. When you offer real-time job alerts, you are recruiting those who have their eye on the prize and have the qualifications to get there. Improved Communication Besides alerting potential applicants of available jobs, real-time alerts can also keep the lines of communication open by letting you know when someone has shown interest in the job you’ve posted and when resumes are coming in. Some systems also allow employers and prospective applicants to communicate about the job in real-time. This helps to make the hiring process more efficient and fill vacancies quicker. Many times, the hiring process can get sluggish because both sides are not communicating effectively. This can lead to applicants looking elsewhere, leading you to lose out on quality hires. This can also result in your job remaining open for longer than it should. Saves Time By saving time in the hiring process, your staff can take care of other duties assigned to them. This improves efficiency among your team allowing them to maximize their time when they are working for you. Specific Search Real-time job alerts allow you to clearly state the job qualifications you are searching for. This can hopefully weed out those who don’t fit the job description. Let Summit Careers Help with Real-Time Job Alerts Summit Careers is committed to guiding you through the education hiring process so that you are successful when it comes to finding the right candidates. We can help you provide the most accurate job descriptions so that you attract qualified candidates. Contact us today to learn more about our education recruiting services and how we can help you craft real-time job alerts.
23 Sep, 2024
If you’re having trouble filling educator spots on your staff, you’re not alone. Statistics show that there are more than 50,000 vacant teaching positions across the country and that more than 250,000 current positions are currently filled by underqualified teachers. According to a 2022 U.S. Department of Education report, 41 states and D.C. are facing teacher shortages in at least one grade level or subject area. Understanding the driving forces behind these startling numbers is vital to help reverse the tide and start filling those positions with qualified teachers who are passionate about their work and shaping young minds. As we explore the various reasons behind the education staffing crisis, we’ll also examine what can be done to overcome it so that those in academia can begin to attract the talent they need to fill their positions. Why Is There a Teacher Shortage? When we talk about a teacher shortage, it does not solely pertain to vacant positions. According to the U.S. Department of Education, a teacher shortage is not only defined as having unfilled positions but also refers to positions that are filled by teachers in a different subject than they are certified to teach in and those positions filled by underqualified teachers. Here are several contributing factors to the nationwide teacher shortage: Low Salaries Talk to any teacher and they’ll tell you how much less they earn compared to other professions with similar education requirements. According to the National Center for Education Statistics , the average American elementary and high school teachers earn $69,480. The discrepancy in salary has led to many teachers leaving their positions in academia for higher-paying jobs. Excess Workload During the COVID-19 pandemic, many teachers had to learn how to provide virtual instruction and in-person lessons. This doubled their workload in many cases. Although everyone is back to in-person lessons, teachers still have a lot on their plates. From large classes to requests to teach out of their areas of expertise, many teachers are dealing with a heavy workload that is burning them out. This is leading some to look for other career paths besides teaching. Challenging Conditions Besides excess workloads, many teachers are dealing with challenging conditions inside the classroom. A lack of resources and complex student behaviors are among the issues. One study found that many are dealing with stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression. What Can Be Done to Overcome the Education Staffing Crisis? District leaders are constantly looking for ways to lure more teachers while educating the next generation. Here are some roads that can be explored to overcome the education staffing crisis. Boost Salaries While there are often budget constraints, finding ways to boost teachers’ salaries is one way to ease the staffing shortages. This lets teachers know that the work they are doing is valued and will help to not only attract top talent but also prevent current teachers from going elsewhere. Promote Career Advancement One way to attract more teachers to fill vacancies is to provide career advancement opportunities. This allows teachers to grow professionally while remaining on the job and can work to support teacher recruitment and retention. Provide a Healthy Work Environment Providing a healthy working environment is important for teacher retention and filling vacancies. By offering teachers the support they need, it can help to prevent stress and burnout. This can include ample time for lesson plans and grading to provide a better work-home balance. Some districts also offer discounted gym memberships to give staff members a better chance of living a healthy lifestyle. This helps to prevent illness, which works towards maintaining a steady staff. Increase Efficiency Modern operations systems can boost team efficiency. Management software is one route to explore to strengthen staff support and increase staff efficiency. This can be an attractive selling point to candidates considering an open position. Let Summit Careers Help to Fill Your Vacancies Summit Careers is committed to helping you overcome the education staffing crisis and fill your vacancies. With a database of more than 60,000 qualified candidates, we are confident you will find a perfect match. Contact us today to learn more about our professional staffing services.
29 May, 2024
Interviews can be intimidating because you obviously want to put your best foot forward and land your dream job. While your resume may have gotten you in the door for the interview, what happens during that interview can make or break your chances of becoming the newest employee. Doing well on your interview and getting hired doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may think. Here are 10 tips to help calm your nerves and ace your next interview. 10 Interviewing Tips to Land Your Next Job 1. Be Extremely Prepared While this may seem like a no-brainer, be prepared. Some people go into their interviews unprepared. This can really lower your chances of getting hired. Besides doing your research on the company and your job expectations, rehearse your answer to typical job interview questions. Some common questions include: Why do you want to work here? What can you contribute to the position? How does your experience make you a good candidate? If possible, rehearse your answers with someone you trust. While you may rehearse the answers in your head, they may not sound as great when you actually say them. Ask for feedback about the pros and cons of your answers so you know what to improve upon. 2. Perfect Your Elevator Pitch Your elevator pitch is your big chance to introduce yourself in a compelling, yet concise way. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and career goals. Deliver your pitch with confidence and make sure it resonates with the company’s culture and job requirements. This pitch can help to set either a positive or negative tone for the rest of the interview, make it a positive one! 3. Don’t Expect Just One Type of Question Employers are looking for people who are real thinkers, so be prepared for out-of-the-box questions. This can include hypothetical questions that will force you to put yourself in a role in case you do get hired. Whatever questions you’re asked, be sure to answer in less than 90 seconds. When you answer, think of this pattern…situation, your action steps, and end result. This will get you moving in the right direction. Also, don’t speak outside of the question and don’t try to speak on subjects outside of the role. It can send the wrong message. 4. Don’t Exaggerate Your Qualifications While you should be proud of your accomplishments and qualifications, you shouldn't exaggerate them. Any employer will see right through this and will be less likely to hire you. 5. Understand the Role of Each Person Interviewing You Many times, interviews will involve more than one person asking questions at the same time. Be aware of each person’s role so that you can answer questions accordingly. A supervisor may want to know how you’re going to manage your time, while another colleague will want to know how you’re going to fit into the team. 6. Dress for Success Save the flip-flops for the beach and dress appropriately for your interview. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to be slightly more formal. Be sure all clothes are clean, ironed, and fit well. No matter how good you look on paper, looking professional in person will reflect positively on your work ethic. 7. Be Positive No one wants to hire a “Debbie Downer” with zero energy. Smile genuinely during your interview and make eye contact. Be enthusiastic about the job and your potential role in the company. This will be noticed and appreciated as long as it’s genuine. Also, think about any potential red flags, such as reasons for switching jobs and any gaps in employment. Be sure to answer questions about these topics in a positive way. 8. Highlight Your Unique Value Identify your unique skills, experiences, and personality traits that make you the candidate of choice and a valuable asset. Be sure to emphasize how these qualities align with the company’s needs and culture. 9. Have Some Questions of Your Own Prepared Asking important questions shows you’ve done your research and want to know more about the organization and the position. Be sure the questions you have are insightful and add value to the interview process. 10. Speak Clearly and Concisely Communication skills rank high for employers. They want to hire someone who can express themselves well without pausing or using slang. Speak well and clearly so that your interviewer will know that you are a good communicator and will bring this skill with you if hired. At the end of the interview, thank the person for their time. Be patient because the hiring process can be a lengthy one depending on the position and how many other candidates there are. Don't be discouraged if you don't hear back immediately. Follow up politely after a reasonable timeframe if you haven't received any updates. Good luck!
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