Jhonatan Sanchez
Email: jsanchez@summitcareersinc.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhonatan-l-sanchez-8b09951a8/
Favorite food
: Arroz Verde Peruano(Peruvian Green Rice with Chicken) - Meal I enjoyed most growing up
Mentor/Person who had the biggest impact on your life
: Mrs. Rose, my high school teacher, submitted my name for a national mathematics award which I was selected for and awarded in High school. I didn't care much for school but she had a personal interest in my success and ended up being one of my college references
My favorite aspect about your job
: is helping people, from those in the community needing an opportunity to work to develop those on my team to progress in their careers. I've always enjoyed helping others get ahead and improve.
My most desired place to travel
: is Japan, I've always been big into anime, video games, Japanese culture, and history. One of my closest friends also lives out there.
What’s something unique about yourself
: I've done just about everything once, love trying new things, and have had various unique experiences because of it
Location: Springfield, Massachusetts